Junction Café

Junction Café is a unique restaurant nestled in the heart of the Banni No. 13/A road on very silent and soothing zone. Junction Café brings to Banani finger licking foods, in a relaxed atmosphere, with just the right touch of elegance. We keep it casual, so come as you are and enjoy the Chef’s special creations. Asian Fusion, Barbeque, Breakfast, Burgers, Chinese, Diners, Fast Food, French, Hot Dogs, Indian/Pakistani, Italian, Sandwiches, Seafood, Steakhouses, Thai, Vegan and Vegetarian Junction Café is a unique casual restaurant nestled in the heart of the Banni No. 13/A road on very silent and soothing zone. * Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Coffee and Drinks * Cash Only Hotline-+8801713009153

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