Juliet Rose Thai Beauty Salon & Spa

The history of Juliet Rose Salon begins from 1983 when Mrs. Ayesha Begum founded it in two departments a make-up department with allied activities & a training center. With the passage of time the business has grown manifold. Mrs. Farhat Ehsan (Managing Director) & Mrs. Tasneem Nafees have worked tirelessly with dedication & professionalism resulting in the opening of Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Zamzama, Nazimabad, North Nazimabad chapters. Mrs. Farhat Ehsan, Managing Director, Juliet Rose Salon & Training Centre is greatly honored because she has made the art of make-up, a profession. It is only her dedicated efforts which have made the ladies of all the classes realizing that Beauty Parlours are not only for the upper class ladies but ladies from other classes can also visit these Beauty Saloons, as the rates set by Juliet Rose Salon & Training Centre are within the reach of the ladies from all classes.Mr. Ehsan & Mrs. Farhat Ehsan have spared maximum efforts to import the latest technology to Pakistan from all over the world and have added this technology to their beauty saloons and training centers to further enhance their services.

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