J.K.S. Enterprises Private Limited.

Established in 2016, J.K.S. has evolved into a multifaceted engineering offering world-class products and solutions spanning several segments. J.K.S.’s businesses encompass manufacturing, industrial sales, distribution, and service. J.K.S. is respected for its values-based operations and builds deep relationships with all its stakeholders. The group is also deeply committed to societal wellbeing and has been working on achieving social goals through its businesses. J.K.S. was founded as a part of Banladesh’s freedom movement. The idea – to sell high quality German textile machinery in Bangladesh to challenge the prevailing British monopoly in the field. This endeavor helped in the modernization and growth of the Bangladesh textile industry, which now holds a strong position in the world. J.K.S. today is recognized as a growing in textile engineering in Bangladesh, offering end to end solutions across the textile value chain.

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