Jatra-a Journey Into Craft (Uttara)

In bengali Jatra means journey…In our case a journey towards all that is colourful. The people and culture of Bangladesh are vibrant. Our journey is to translate that in our art, fashion and lifestyle products. Since 2000 Jatra has promoted and popularized Bangladeshi hand woven clothing and hand made craft products (with the pop Rickshaw/cinema art feeling) to the youth of Bangladesh. Today through Jatra, hundreds of artists and crafts men and women have had the opportunity to make a better living. We believe in supporting our ethical local industries. With 140 million people in Bangladesh, the more work there is the better. Jatra also promotes Bangladeshi folk and fakiri music through live shows in the shops and by selling these audio CDS and also helps folk musicians find shows. We also have a team of Rickshaw and cinema painters who go do murals for our customers. We like keeping it colorful! Support our talented designers and crafts women and men by visiting Jatra.

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