Jaba Tour Ltd.

In 1997 JABA TOURS was set up as a tour operating company specialized for Japanese visitors to Bangladesh and for other nationalities as well. Mr. Shahe Alam, Managing director of JABA TOUR LTD put his efforts recruiting Japanese speaking associates for the company. Along with English, knowing Japanese language & culture is always been privileged to work at JABA TOUR LTD. He succeed. Presently JABA TOUR LTD is being considered as a partner organization for many Japanese organizations here in Bangladesh, like Shapla Neer, Jetro, YKK, Japanese Embassy, JICA, JICE etc. JABA TOUR LTD operates regular package tours to different destinations in Bangladesh, specially trip to archaeological sites, which foreign toursts like to visit mostly. In this regard the world heritage site Paharpur is to be mentioned first. River cruise in the mighty river Padma (Ganges) with an wooden boat is the special products of JABA TOUR LTD. Beside the tourism products, JABA TOUR LTD. provides interpreting services to all of their valued customers. Japanese language interpreting is one of the main focuses of the company. JABA TOUR LTD. has extended its services in providing furnished apartments & offices for the foreign guests staying for a longer period in Bangladesh. JABA TOUR LTD always intends to upgrade its services among the team.

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