J K Group

We have a team of skilled and dedicated technocrats backed by adequate number of modern European machinery and equipments to match international standard of knit fabrics products. Having been engaged in production of all range of knit dyed and merchandised Cotton, CVC, T/C and polyester fabrics for supply to a number of export oriented local factories to meet their export commitment. We have also been exporting apparels to our selected customers abroad with their entire satisfaction duly produced in our own factories. Design of apparel is done by CAD of Gerber Technology, U.S.A. to precisely maintain high quality product. Printing and embroidery on fabrics and apparel done in our factory by high standard German and Japan origin machine is the manifestation of our mission to make continuous improvement of quality products. To ensure uninterrupted flow of raw materials we have been producing international standard export quality Cotton Yarn in our own Cotton Spinning Mill. Therefore, we do claim to have all in house facilities dedicated and directed towards production and timely shipment of high quality knit fabrics and apparels to our esteemed customers abroad.

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