Istanbul Restaurant

ISTANBUL CONVENTION CENTER: a uniquely organized place for social gathering, in gulsan Dhaka. ISTANBUL convention center was aimed at helping people host complete, easy and colorful socio-cultural functions. Uniquely DECORATES, specious and secured convention center has ready sitting Accommodation for 600 people at a time, modern sound and lighting systems, best quality catering with car parking FACILITY. Two more convention centers are now under construction. As a SPECIALIST event management company and professional event organizer, ISTANBUL convention center will work with you to achieve your strategic objectives deliver events which will make REMARKABLE impressions. We organize various types of events like conference, seminars, meetings, trade shows, business dinner, birthday, get together, WEDDING reception and any other special event arrangement according to our client. Convention capacity: 100 – 900 people ISTANBUL RESTAURANT: ISTANBUL restaurant is based in the AUTHENTIC taste of TURKISH, Thai, Chinese and Indian Foods. It has a sitting capacity of 400 people. Our buffet is based on different sorts of kababs and moghul dishes. All the dishes taste good and cooked in 100% HALAL and HYGIENE. ISTANBUL CATERING: Istanbul Catering is the best choice to be your catering partner. For over 2 years Istanbul catering has met the catering needs of many of the best known companies in Bangladesh. The best known names in banking, telecoms, power, pharmaceuticals and international development organizations have all been serviced by ISTANBUL. We aim to set the standard in CATERING excellence. This means we need to invest heavily in our business. We look after our staff so that they will look after our clients. And we are investing heavily in transport vehicles and equipment.

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