Interior By Imteyaz Aziz

Interior By Imteyaz Aziz aims to consolidate each client's needs as well as the specific project's requirements into a form which imbues elegance and good taste! Interior By Imteyaz Aziz's signature style is "simple flair" and captures the inherent character of a particular space, which is often lost in Minimalist design. We aim to recognise the charm and unique character of each home or commercial space and develop it into a complimentary interior aesthetic! Working mainly in neutral tones with colourful accents we use combinations of textures to create an extravagantly simple atmosphere. We focus on the physical effect of being in a room, incorporating tactile materials which exude quality through the way they look as well as the way they feel. Our spaces are uncluttered without feeling sparse, fusing international and local styles. We like to use a combination of locally made and imported products. Although the "Interior By Imteyaz Aziz" is the central thread running through all our projects we colour interiors with personal touches and will always endeavour to source the perfect piece. Each interior is perfectly tailored to fit snuggly and stylishly! Interior By Imteyaz Aziz aims to consolidate each client's needs as well as the specific project's requirements into a form which imbues elegance and good taste! Over the last years Interior By Imteyaz Aziz has grown and matured more than could have been anticipated, and has acquired new members, bringing with them a well stocked artillery of interior design, knowledge and experience as well as symbiotic design ideas. Anyone who doesn't know yet will soon find out that Interior By Imteyaz Aziz is a force too alluring not to be recognised! Currently, we are vigorously concocting multiple residential designs and a five star hotel in the Serengeti. Our projects range vastly in size and we have local and international clients.

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