Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management (Dhanmondi)

When people can imagine, they dream; and when they work hard to fulfill the dream, it becomes the fact, the truth to believe. The institute is established with the aim to fulfill the aspirations and requirements of the tourism and hospitality education in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is very rich in populace and through developing the skills they could be the best service people, especially in the field of tourism and hospitality. The knowledge, the education and the skills need to be shared with millions of Bangladeshis who are aspirant for a better future. Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management is being the symbol of quality institution, which is concerned about the students' welfare and their entire academic, professional and social needs. In course of time, this unique institute will turn into a college and finally a specialized University for Hotel & Tourism Management in Bangladesh, with the blessings of the Almighty. Institute Campus & Admissions House - 320, Road - 8A (New) / 15 (Old), Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka -1209, Bangladesh Tel: 9127551, 9130338, 8155772, Fax: 88 02 9571868 Mobile : +8801713489242,+8801713489243 E-mail:, Website: Information & Admissions 87 Motijheel C/A, 2nd Floor, Dhaka -1000, BANGLADESH Tel: 7176866, 9572290, Fax: 88 02 9571868 Mobile : +88 01713489242,+88 01713489243 E-mail:, Website:

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