Hotel Purbani International

Welcome to Hotel Purbani, an urban hotel with quality services, fine accommodations, and excellent hospitality, ideally located at the center of Dhaka city. Whether you are new in town or a frequent guest, Hotel Purbani offers a welcome haven that feels like a home away from home to unwind and relax. The warmth and dedication of our staff ensures the ultimate comfort. Consisting of 130 rooms, the hotel is convenient for both business and leisure travelers. The central location of the hotel makes it easily accessible to the Shahajalal International Airport which is about 18 KM. Kamalapur Railway Station is walking distance from the hotel. It is also a few minutes drive from the National Museum, Lalbagh Fort, Dhaka University, Bashundhara City Shopping Mall, Sonargaon City and so on. Indulge your appetite with the finest cuisine prepared by our chefs who cater to all your needs. Enjoy the benefits of free-wifi at any location of the hotel. We, at aim to keep the guest satisfaction at the highest level. It is the perfect blend of comfort, alluring spaces and great service. We hope you have a relaxed and enjoyable stay at Hotel Purbani.

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