Hotel Lord's Inn (Pvt) Ltd.

A three star standard hotel with a Multi Cuisine Restaurant.Banquet hall & Conference room a new landmark in the port city of Chittagong located at CDA avenue near GEC circle, welcomes you to enjoy its warm unique hospitality through highly professional management and employees,having wide experience at home and abroad.With well equipped modern Amenities and Facilities it offers you every moment of stay enjoyable,comfortable,and memorable.It is only at half an hour drive distance from Chittagong Shah Amanat International Airport and it is very close to Railway station,Bus station,modern shopping arcades,banks,museum,stadium etc. The Restaurant Sparks And the Banquet Spectrum housed in 8th and 9th floor provides opportunity to enjoy the panoramic views of the hills,lakes,gardens and scenic beauty of the city surroundings.Foreign & Local banks with ATM booths are also housed in ground & 1st floor of the building.

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