Hotel Golden City

Hotel Golden City is located in the heart of the town of Sylhet, in Bangladesh. The hotel is conveniently placed in the heart of Sylhet. Hotel Golden City is professionally managed to cater to your business or leisure needs and is tailored to meet your requirements. Located close to all the major attractions in Sylhet, we are within walking distance of the Shrine of Hazrat Shahjalal (r), T-Garden, Osmani Museum, Raza Museums, Shishu Park, Al-Hamra Shopping Complex, Sylhet Millenium (Shopping Complex), Blue Water (Shopping Complex) and Sylhet Kin Bridge etc. Sylhet M A G Osmani Air Port is at a short transport distance of just 20 minutes from Hotel Golden City. We welcome guests from all over the world and our multi-lingual staff will be sure to make our foreign customers feel at home. Our Front Desk is also open 24 hours to assist our esteemed guests. There is a lift available too (from GF to the 8th floor). The hotel also has spacious Dinning Hall, Praying Room, Lobby for Guests.

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