Hotel De Crystal Crown

An oasis of luxury and tranquility hotel and restaurant in the heart of bustling Dhaka City. The hotel provides extensive World Class facilities and services to business travelers who expect comfort, efficiency and warm hospitality. De Crystal Crown is the luxurious first-class hotel. We believe the upper end of the lodging industry offers attractive investment opportunities in the long-term given the historically lower supply growth and the appeal of this segment with customers. De Crystal Crown was created in 2002 with the purchase of hotels. Since its inception, the portfolio has more than doubled to include 24 luxury and first-class hotels and resorts with over 20 guest rooms. With a presence across Dhaka and in two top Dhaka markets, Legacy's portfolio provides geographic diversification across major urban canters including landmark properties such as De Crystal Crown. The size, location and recognition of many of the Trust's hotels enable them to attract a diverse mix of guests. Customers are classified along two broad segments: business and leisure, and further subdivided based on whether guests are traveling individually or as part of a group. Hotel managers operate hotels under long-term agreements or as part of a group.

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