Hotel Bengal Blueberry

The distinctive five star standard Hotel Bengal Blueberry is more than just a stunning hotel; it is a symbol of modern Dhaka. Conveniently located at Gulshan 2, the Diplomatic Zone of the city. Take advantage of our prime position just six kilometers from Shahjalal International Airport (DAC), and within walking distance of the area’s many embassies and high commissions. Dhaka’s most secure district, Gulshan, is a premium commercial hub and boasts many restaurants, entertainment options, and corporate offices. A large number of retail shopping venues and golf courses are also conveniently located in this sprawling part of the city. Along with the wonder this stunning structure provides when you see it in person, we also provide excellent service staff who are highly skilled and friendly. It is the service within that makes the Hotel Bengal Blueberry exceptional. We welcome you to come and experience it for yourself.

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