Homeland Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

Homeland life insurance Company limited (HOLICO) was formed in 1996. Today Homeland Life, with its Head Office in Dhaka operates in whole over Bangladesh. Homeland Life Insurance Company Limited offers a way to replace the loss of income that occurs when someone dies (usually the person who produces the majority of income in a family situation). It is a contract between you as insured person and HOLICO that is providing the insurance if you die while the contract is in force, the Homeland Life Insurance Company Limited pay a specified sum of money free of income tax “Cash benefits” to the person or persons you name as beneficiaries or nominees. Our Life Insurance Plans do more that just replace the loss of income that occurs if you die. It should also provide money to cover the new costs that arise after your death funeral expenses, taxes, probate costs, the need for housekeepers, child care, and so on. And those cash benefits should provide for your families future needs as well, including education for your children and part of all of your spouse's retirement needs. In almost all cases, your beneficiary can use the cash benefits in the way he or she sees fit, without restriction.

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