Homebound (Khulna)

Destination Services Will include customs clearance from the airport/port, transportation, storage, delivery, unpacking, and setting up your household effects. When MOVING IN we will help you through the entire process Transportation Homebound will transport your personal effects in the most safe efficient manner. Wherever in the country Homebound will transport your goods in absolute safety. Sea Homebound has contracts with all the leading and renowned shipping operators to provide the fastest and most reliable service anywhere worldwide. Air Homebound will make sure your airfreight is handled and sent out in the most fastest possible route and delivered to any destination worldwide Corporate Moves Today the corporation and government moves has increased in demand, Homebound specializes in handling the moves of the executives, ensuring a smooth and effortless transfer keeping in line with their organizations needs and requirements. Storage At origin Homebound has the facilities to store goods on a short and long term basis, and with worldwide business partners, secure storage can be arranged ensuring that your goods are in the safest possible. When Moving Out Each and every move is not the same, but similar procedures are followed. Homebound will guide you, so that you know what to do and when to do it. Our experienced staff will discuss your plans and help you plan according to your needs. Our surveyor will visit you your home and discuss in detail your requirements. The surveyor will inform you of the volume, packing dates mode of transpiration (air or sea), and find out when you would require your goods at destination. During the survey our staff will familiarize you with requirements for customs formalities and insurance. On the actual moving day the packers and supervisor will use the finest quality of packing materials. Your consignment after packing will be loaded into the lift van/container at your own door step, will be sealed and locked and transported to the port. Our customer services staff will monitor your shipment all through its journey and will help you select the most reliable and professional partner to provide you with the customs clearance and delivery of your goods to YOUR NEW HOME

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