Holey Artisan Bakery

Holey Artisan Bakery was born from passion. It all began with Lillian's longing for real bread and so her husband Porag took action. He joined forces with Sadat, a close friend and the owner of the best restaurant in Dhaka, Izumi and they brought Mr. Maurice, Baker Maestro, the magician behind all creations at Holey, to train us. It is hard to articulate how thankful we are to him and how immeasurable has been his contribution. The venture into Holey was not about making profit. Everyone involved could easily be making more money with much less effort in other sectors. It has to be sustainable, of course, but this project was born out of love and everyone involved is passionate about improving life. The family at Holey has grown and everyone involved is a key ingredient. Many people are just passing through Dhaka- but this is our home.

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