Heritage Restaurant

Heritage Restaurant : Heritage is an upscale restaurant in Gulshan Dhaka. One of the sections (sitting arrangement) of this restaurant has been named after heritage site Ahsan Manzil. The restaurant aims to project the rich diversity of Bangladesh heritage, art, craft and exquisite food. The gates, doors, the reception table, are antique bought from the local market. Here Shindhuks have been turned into door panels and historical documents are encapsulated in photographs. Decor : The nicely decorated restaurant has paintings, photographs, terracotta and artworks on its walls and at entrance. Artist Jamal Ahmed's 28-foot long painting on the Buriganga for the restaurant is the largest painting in Bangladesh. Former international fashion model Bibi Russell designed dresses for the restaurant staff. Sitting Capacity : 250 +. The Restaurant's has a very elaborate and glamorous setup in the lawn and alongside a rooftop area with a splendid view. Location : House # 10, Road # 109 in Gulshan # 2 Dhaka # 1212. Open for lunch from 12.30pm - 3.30pm and for dinner from 6pm-11pm. Food : Home of fusion food that explores mostly the indigenous cuisine. Gourmets can enjoy mouth-watering dishes and 'Bangla fusion cuisine'. Diners keep coming back to savor dishes like Chicken Loroial and smoked hilsa and sip at the house drink jira pani. Cost : Heritage has a lunch buffet facilities. Tips : In Ramadan Heritage Restaurant : offers Old Dhaka's delicacies (Dhakaiya iftari from Chowk). Iftari and dinner at the buffet table.

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