Bangladesh Heart & Chest Hospital

Medical facility is one of the most important fundamental needs of a human being. About 35% of the people of Bangladesh are living below the poverty line. Most of them are deprived of quality and modern medical services. Every year a lot of people are dying because of the lack of proper treatment. Many of these people cannot manage proper treatment because of the lack of exact information; they get confused and fail to avail expected treatment. Bangladesh is one of the rapid developing countries of the world. After independence Bangladesh has developed a lot, specially, in technology and communication sector. Medical sector has also been developed a lot. Bangladesh is now able to give proper treatment for different hazardous diseases. Most of our urban people get the privileges to enjoy the government services because they have money. Besides, the poor village people always remain behind the curtain. Because of the lack of equal distribution of national services to all sorts of people the whole nation suffers from different problems and cannot foster the progress of development. In our country government medical services have not been properly developed. But different private sectors have worked with it and developed al lot and in most of the cases they ensure a world class service. But the problem is that almost all the private hospitals are very costly and people of all classes are not solvent enough to get their services spending a huge amount of money. So the question comes. “Will those poor people always remain deprived of proper treatment?” Ensuring the basic needs for the people is a work not only for the government. Every conscious citizen of this country should spread their hands to help the government. To work with it, we have a lot of young and enthusiastic people; we have enormous possibilities. But we have to ensure the proper use of these resources.

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