Hatim Group Of Industries

Hatim Group of Industries Ltd. started its operation in 2000. Since its inception, the management of Hatim has always believed in endeavoring to provide the best comprehensive solutions to drinking water & sewage system. It also offers a comprehensive solution to a diverse range of clients, both in local and international markets. HATIM is proud to have all kinds of related certificates from prominent test laboratories across the country. Hatim, being the name of leader of its different products in Bangladesh and Overseas has taken new initiative to take a role for further diversification of market with its inherent reputation. Hatim Polymer Ltd., happens to be one of the largest manufacturers of uPVC pipes & fittings in Bangladesh. HATIM, as a modern technical enterprise and one of the leaders in plastic piping industry, utilizing the highly accurate production standards, Hatim Polymer Limited is one of the largest producers of Poly Propylene Random Copolymer (PPR-C) piping system in the country. The brand “HATIM” has wide variety of popularity in Bangladesh for its product namely GI Pipes, MS Pipes, SS Pipes, uPVC Pipes & Fittings, PPR Pipes & Fittings, HDPE Pipes etc. The products merit best quality and have no bio hazard i.e. they are ozone friendly and recyclable. Modern scientific prudence has been applied to ensure that no fault occurs anywhere in service. Each component is subjected to a multistage inspection, which ensures accuracy and durability of the fittings in all type of industrial, agricultural, domestic, and other piping installations. Our modern factory is equipped with modern plant and machinery and inspection equipment, skilled employees & staff. Rigid inspection throughout all stages of manufacturing ensures the high standard of accuracy now associated with all Hatim Brand Products. Hatim is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company with its certification from DNV, Norway and equipped with High Tech and sophisticated technology and LAB facilities for maintaining quality. Hatim PPR Pipes and Fittings are in conformity with DIN Standard 8077/8078 for pipes and DIN 19560/16962 for fittings, uPVC Pipes & Fittings in conformity with BS 3505, ISO 4422. Hatim has got capacitated itself to build up a prosperous nation. It has employed almost 1200 men and women in its office and factory and thus contributes significantly in the Government Revenue Sector. The highly trained workers and their flawless performance warrant & ensure quality & durability of its product.

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