
Hairobics Founded in 1990 . Hairobics kicked off in the early nineties by breaking the running concept of hair cutting saloons of that time . Within a short span of time , it had won the heart of outlook conscious men . As a new dimension in the year of 1995, there was a new addition to Hairobics named Kids Corner for the little buddies . It was completely new concept that time in the perspective of Bangladesh . At present, this type of service is necessary to the child as well as highly appreciated by the parents . In the year of 2005, Hairobics introduced Therapy Zone for the male customers , it's a health spa . In this full-fledged spa there are authentic sevices regarding external beauty of men which also mentally cheer them up . In the field of hair styling and skin care for men Hairobics has been providing quality of services for last twenty years . But , it didn't confine itselves in the services for male customers . In the year of 2009, Hairobics launched it's women beauty division ' Hairobics Bridal '

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