Habibullah Bahar University College

Habibullah Bahar is a legendary figure in the political, social and literary arena of Bangladesh. He is a household name in this country. Mohammad Habibullah Bahar, popularly known as Bahar Shaheb, was born in an aristocratic family at the village Goatar in Noakhali district. He was born on the 5th February, 1906. He spent his childhood days in Chittagong at his grandfather’s house. He lost his father at the age of only three. Habibullah Bahar was a versatile genius, endowed with rare qualities. He was a member of the working committee of Bengal Muslim league in 1937, a member of Bengal Legislative Assembly in 1946 and the Health Minister of former East Pakistan from 1947-53. While he was the Health Minister, he eradicated mosquito pestilence from the Dhaka City and cleansed Dhaka City thoroughly. The elderly citizens of the Dhaka city still remember his contribution with veneration and respect. He was an outstanding sportsman of this country. He was a renowned football player in both Calcutta and Dhaka Mohammedan club. He served Sports Association in different tyres in different times. Finally he became the President of Sports Association of former East Pakistan in 1951. Moreover he was a great literary figure in Bengali literature. He compiled valuable works in Bengali. Great poet Rabindranath Tagore felicitated his valuable writings. He along with his sister Samsun Nahar Mahmood edited monthly ‘BULBUL’. Tagore, Nazrul , Sarat Chandra contributed in that periodical. On the invitation of Hibibullah Bahar, poet Nazrul visited his residence ‘Aziz Monjil’ in Chittagong firstly in 1926 and secondly in 1927. Our rebel poet Nazrul dedicated his famous poem ‘Shindhu Hindol’ to Bahar and his sister Nahar. Mr. Bahar was the founder member of former East Pakistan Renaissance Society (1943). He accompanied Mahatma Gandhi in the communal riot torn areas of Noakhali in 1946. Moreover, he was the right hand of Hossain Shahid Sohrawardy in the election of 1946 and played a pioneering role in founding Pakistan in 1947. He was a man of amiable disposition and a man of high moral. He never surrendered to corruption and temptation. He was fond of jokes and humour. He loved children very deeply. He always loved peoples gathering what we call ‘Majlish’ in Bengali and he always used to be a candid speaker in the ‘Majlish’. While delivering a speech in the ‘World Health Day’ he became senseless and later this great heart left the world forever on the 15th April 1966. The name of this college is in commemoration of this great man and this name will never get into oblivion. His remarkable contributions will be printed in the golden letters of history forever. Habibullah Bahar College Shantinagar, Dhaka-1000. Web Site : www.hbuc.edu.bd Phone : +88-02-8314119, +88-02-9358278, +88-02-8360370 E-mail addresses : Principal abc_principal_hbuc@yahoo.com Faculty of Business Studies Phone : +88-02-8360370 Faculty of Arts Phone : +88-02-9358278 Faculty of Social Science Phone : +88-02-9358278 Faculty of Science Phone : +88-02-9358278

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