GO2 Rides, a brand of GO2 Technologies Limited is an enormous network of transportation company based on mobile application system. We ensure handiness of services with a prompt customer service. The availability of the transportations is pledged according to the customer’s requirements. A promising safety relationship between the partners and the customers is a highly concerned matter for GO2 Technologies Limited. In order to keep pace with the safety issue, GO2 tends to opt the premium qualified partners, especially in the matter of female passengers. The fares on vehicles vary from type to type. The relevant customers can send out a request to which a biker close to the customer’s proximity will respond. Here motorbikes are at lower price fare for the relevant customers accordingly. The waiting charge is consecutively lower than that of cars. The safe and secured setting is assuredly featured here as well in terms of motorbikes, especially for the female customers. All those featured services above are inclined in one single app. Our valuable customers need not to keep different application for different services in their personal mobile phone. All they need to do is have the application from Google Play Store or App store downloaded and registered with valid information and get the services accordingly. In perspective of partners’ assignment, some apropos terms and conditions are applied for their registration. With two passport sized of photographs, NID card, Trade license and most importantly copy of driving license are the required documents for being a partner in terms of personal drivers. Office: Shahajadi Palace, House#39, Road#18, Sector#03, Uttara, Dhaka, Bangladesh +8801933344255, +8801933344255 +8801933344255 info@go2rides.com

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