Flora Limited (Jamuna Future Park)

October 16, 2005, was a night to remember. Flora Limited and Epson held the Flora-Epson Corporate Night 2005 on Dhaka Sheraton. Witnessed by many dignitaries, the show was a knockout. Mr. Mustafa Shamsul Islam addressed the audience on the Epson Digital Studio concept which has swept the country and created a new breed of entrepreneur. People all across the country are now starting up digital studios with very little money and making a decent living. Flora has trained over 6000 people and over 600 digital studios are already in business. JAMUNA FUTURE PARK BRANCH KA-244 KURIL, PROGOTI SHARANI, JAMUNA FUTURE PARK (4TH FLOOR), BLOCK # A, SHOP # 022, 023 & 024, BARIDHARA, DHAKA-1229, BANGLADESH; Tel: +880 2 9823329 & 9823257, Fax: +880 2 9823257, E-mail: florajfp@floralimited.com, Web: www.floralimited.com

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