FitnessPlus Bangladesh

FITNESS PLUS GYM & Health fitness center House 23, Road 18, Block A, (Near Banani koborsthan ) BANANI Dhaka. Phone;..01715-586-705,01677-896-525, Our Gym Services in pleasant Environment, Totally Air condition, 1. Specialized programs for obesity management, Under medical supervision, doctor’s consultancy (For Ladies) Package Includes: 1. Fitness analysis 2. Nutrition and diet plan 3. Personalized special fitness plan & exercise schedule 4. Personal trainer’s assistance 5. Monthly health checkup and evaluation of weight loss progress 6. Monthly fitness regime update All exclusively given under medical supervision with doctor’s consultancy 2. Fitness treatment Program (For GENTS) (Special Obesity & Body Building Management) Personal Training Services, Supervised Under Qualified Instructors & Consultancy. Package Includes: 1. Fitness analysis. 2. Nutrition and diet plan . 3. Personalized special fitness plan & exercise schedule. 4. Personal trainer’s assistance . 5. Monthly health checkup and evaluation of weight loss progress . 6. Monthly fitness regime update .

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