Finlay Properties Limited

Finlay Properties Limited has started its journey in 2010 with an idea of extending eco-friendly contemporary solutions to the real estate customers. The century-old multinational heritage has lent impetus to its sponsors to initiate this venture in order to ensure quality construction, value for money for the customers, the handover deadline, engagement of highly seasoned professionals to redefine eco-friendly quality living, to provide excellence for raising the customers satisfaction level. Sound financial base, clear understanding of customers demand, strategic project location and expertise in the respective professional area will be the cutting edge which will single out Finlay from other companies in the market. With the high standards in line with its mission and vision, Team Finlay is a strong, structured and highly professional company with a bright future. Taking forward Finlays mission to provide an environment of professionalism, competence, teamwork and service excellence, Finlay is working towards benchmarking its HR policies with the best employers and international standards.

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