Federal Insurance Company Limited (Elephant Road Branch)

Federal Insurance Company Limited is a name in the field of Insurance Industry in Bangladesh representing a perfect combination of expert knowledge and diverse experience. The board of directors of the company consists of leading industrialists, exporters, importers and businessmen of the country who play a major role in the sphere of trade, commerce and industry including insurance business. The company was registered on the 11th November, 1987 and obtained Insurance Registration Certificate on the 17th November and was formally inaugurated on the 20th December, 1987 for underwriting Marine, Fire, Motor, Personal Accident, Aviation and miscellaneous Insurances. The vast experience of the members of the Board of Directors of the Company, their financial standing, personal image and social status coupled with technically qualified, highly experienced and a dedicated management team have made this Company one of the leading private general insurance organizations in this country within a very short period.

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