Fantasy Kingdom Complex

Come Discover Fantasy Kingdom. Legend has it that is mysterious Kingdom was lost many years ago because the people in Prince Ashu's land had forgotten how to smile. Then many years later it magically reappeared in Ashulia. Prince Ashu, Princess Lia and their animal friends Zuzu, Bobo, Zipper and Bangasaur are always at the park welcoming everyone with a smile. Oh and they have many games for you. Sack Race, Whack the Donkey, the Cgg Race...prepare to get egg on your face. Fantasy Kingdom in fun, loud & out of this world. Ashu & Lia and their wacky buddies Zuzu, Bobo, Zipper & Bangasur [that is Bangladeshi Dinosaur..!] will rock your world. Fun for the whole family..!! Grandma loves Izzy Dizzy, Mum loves the Bumper Boats, Dad is crazy about the Bumper Car and I can't get enough of the Roller Coaster..!!! Thrilling rides [Giant Splash, Roller Coaster, Flying Carpet, Bumper Car, Santa Maria and much more], restaurants, shopping arcades and amazing landscaping [with Dinosaurs, Rock Gardens, Bubble Pools, etc.] straight out of a Hollywood for the whole family. Yes, bring your grandmother too.....:) Fantasy Kingdom has become a favorite destination for group group outing, picnics or company family days. Attractive packages (including food gifts, shows and travel to and from the park) are available. Ashu Castle Restaurant: 3 star Michelin Award winning Chef Akarach has set up a superb Thai and International menu at this restaurant where dinners eat in castle surrounded by dinosaurs, lagoons and mist pools. Chef Akarach has worked at many 5 stars establishments like The Landmark Hotel, the prestigious Heritage Club Banhkok etc. Water Tower Cafe: Set in a lagoon and surrounded by water on all sides. The Water Tower Cafe is an ideal place to while away the afternoon. Mouthwatering pizzas and BBQ wings are some of Lia's favorite dishes here. Roler Coaster Station: Spicy Fried Chicken, Burgers, Fries...mmmmmmm..!.!.! Bobo Bakery: Blueberry, Cheesecake, Brownies, Cookies, Cakes and Pies are freshly made everyday for you to take home. Shopping: Yes, there are plenty of shops to explore. Gifts, Jewelry, toys, handbags, T-shirts, model-cares, stationery, cuddly-toys of Ashu Lia and their friends and much more. They are the perfect birthday gifts. Bus Service: There are currently available some bus routes to choose from. You can take the bus from different points of Dhaka namely Motijheel, Press Club, Shahbag, Banglamotor, Firmgate, Shukrabad, Asadgate, Shamoli, Kalyanpur, Technical, or Kakrail, Maghbazar, Nabisco, Mohakhali, Kakoli, Airport, Uttara, Abdullahpur, etc. Location: Jamgara, Ashulia in Savar. Only 20 minutes drive from the Zia International Airport.

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