Exim Bank Hospital

Bangladesh is a country of potenials; a developing nation witb an ever increasing population base.For the wellbing of any nation a very effective health atrategy anf initiative are a priority.However, due to lack of resource , poor manaement and inappropiate planning, the health sector of our country is yet to develop properly.This miserable state of affairs is especially apparent if we look at the number of people traveling overseas for medical treatment every year.According to Bangladesh Bank sources Bangladesh nationals spend almost US $80.00 million abroad for medical treatment only.In view of the present circumstances of medical services could be improve and extanded, then Bangladesh would be able to retain this huge amount of foreign currency.Keeping In view the norms and ethics of medical professionals, shortcomings, deficiencies,mismanagement and irregularities on the part of Medicare service provided in the country.Institurtional hospital like Exim Bank Hospital started it’s missoin in its present location with limited resource on 08 May 2010.The Exim Bank on it’s Banking role contributing to the nation and country since it’s inception in Bangladesh on 03 August 1999. At the same time Bank authority desired to serve the destress huminity and in its such role Exim Bank donated total 38 lac 40 thousand BDT to each distressed Shahid Family off Army on BDR carnge in 2009 and also doneted Ambulance and construced Hospital for poor people and family contributing medical support and renovating Burn unit of Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Dhaka. With this noble and dedicated attitude towards the distressed huminity,Exim Bank Hospital emerges as an institution to serve the nation

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