Evergreen Adams Salon & Spa

Leave the everyday stress world behind and enter Evergreen Adams as you experience a unique, authentic Spa and Salon like no other. At The Parlor you are not just a client, you are a distinctive member of our Evergreen Adams family and community. Established in 2014, The Parlor is a growing family of Evergreen Group of industries. we have started from very humble beginnings with a mission and vision to provide top class quality service for thr hard working men of today,The Parlor is evolving into an innovative full service Spa, Salon and Men’s Den serving the entire Uttora Area and beyond. The Parlour’s success is driven by our team of talented professionals whose relentless pursuit of providing outstanding levels of quality service to make you feel special that you are. Our motivation is your satisfaction . Our Skin Therapists, Body Therapists, Registered Massage Therapists, Make-Up Artists, Nail Technicians, and Hair Artists await your next visit. Now is the time for you to leave your stresses behind and come enjoy the warmth of our relaxed, atmospheric homely Environment where all of your needs are taken care of and no detail goes unnoticed. You will then know what it is like to be a member A class of The Evergreen Adams Parlor family.

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