East-West Medical College & Hospital

East-West Medical College & Hospital has been established under the trustee board of ‘Alim Foundation’ as an institute offering Medical education, health care services to contribute to the growing need of the country. The institute is situated at Aichi Nagar, JBCS Saroni, Khairtak, Turag, Dhaka, Bangladesh. It is situated at the bank of river Turag with natural flourishing surroundings and five kilometers away from Hazrat Shah Jalal International airport. The academic and Hospital building of the institute is built on its own land having modern classrooms, lecture galleries, practical class rooms, departmental museums, library, reading rooms and teachers corner etc. It also accommodates a cafeteria, a Mosque and separate common rooms for male and female students having facilities for indoor and outdoor games. There are separated hostels for boys and girls containing 880 seats consist of 450 seats for female and 430 seats for male. The college is affiliated with Dhaka University and approved by the government of the people’s republic of Bangladesh. It is also recognized by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BM&DC) as well as World Health Organization (WHO), included in International Medical education directory (IMED) – Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER). Basic Medical subjects such as Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Community Medicine, Forensic Medicine, Pathology, Microbiology, Pharmacology and Clinical subjects such as Medicine including Pediatrics, Psychiatry and Dermatology, Surgery including Ophthalmology, ENT, Orthopedics & Gynecology and obstetrics are taught during five years MBBS course. The college has satisfied and maintained all the criteria set by the affiliating and approving authority regarding the quality and quantity of teachers. The teachers and the administration are much more caring and pay due concentration to all the needs of the students so that the students create the environment of encouraging and homely. The trustee board of Alim Foundation and the Governing body keep constant vigilance on the development of the college as evidenced by its uplift. The college has admitted 11th batch of students since its inauguration. 6th batches of MBBS students have already been completed their MBBS course and serving as efficient registered doctor in the National and International health sectors.

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