Dutch-Bangla Bank ATM Booth (North South Road-4)

Dutch Bangla Bank was the first bank in Bangladesh to be fully automated. The Electronic-Banking Division was established in 2002 to undertake rapid automation and bring modern banking services into this field. Full automation was completed in 2003 and hereby introduced plastic money to the Bangladeshi masses. Dutch Bangla Bank also operates the nation's largest ATM fleet and in the process drastically cut consumer costs and fees by 80%. Moreover, Dutch Bangla Bank choosing the low profitability route for this sector has surprised many critics. Dutch Bangla Bank had pursued the mass automation in Banking as a CSR activity and never intended profitability from this sector. As a result it now provides unrivaled banking technology offerings to all its customers. Because of this mindset, most local banks have joined Dutch Bangla Bank banking infrastructure instead of pursuing their own.

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