Dream Market (Chittagong)

Welcome to DreamMarketBD.COM is an online shopping place for sending various gifts to your dear ones at different places in Bangladesh including Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet, Khulna, Rajshahi etc. Our product line includes Man's and Women's Wear, Handicraft items, Boutique, Leather goods, bamboo, jute and wood made items, candle and other gift items. We are continuously updating this site to provide you the quality of services. For your greater convenience. We are really concerned the client satisfaction.website-www.giftmarketbd.com Products Gift items , desktop accessories, wallet, dairy ,Pen, LED clock,all types of handicrafts Delivery Information Your addressed recipient receive the gift that you have chosen over the internet or at any agent shop or fixed with the DreamMarketBD.com administration. A copy of your order will be given to the recipient to check the order. Price will not be mentioned on that. Recipient has to check the gift according to the order and sign the acknowledgement paper. If recipient is happy with the service ; its a complete service. You will be the first person to know if anything goes wrong such as mistake in the address, damaged or wrong product, unavoidable circumstance to delay delivery, sudden crisis of particular product and any other unwanted reasons. Based on your decision you can ask for a refund (see refund policy) or change of product or delivery on a nearest possible date. In case of EMERGENCY service we always try our best to satisfy the given time window but we do not have any hand on unwanted delay. Please allow reasonable time for the service. Hotline: +88 01775 222 222 +88 01775 333 333

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