Diamond World Ltd. Baily Road Outlet 2

The Trust of Diamond World, The Spirit of Diamond World! Since December 2005, Diamond World has joined forces with Bangladesh’s most desired and largest jewellery brand. This takes us another step closer to achieving our shared mission - to make beautiful jewellery accessible to everyone. The Trust of Diamond World. 1. Be 100% assured about the quality and purity of our products. 2. Better accessibility - both online and in-store (including the many new ones coming up). 3. The highest standards of transparency and business ethics. The Spirit of Diamond World 1. Our passion for creating beautiful, modern designs. 2. Our efficient STREAMLANE process that keeps our costs and prices low. 3. Our obsession with technology to create a better shopping experience. How it all started: Diamond World was founded with a refreshing and courageous objective – to make beautiful jewellery accessible, affordable and forever wearable. How do we know that there’s a need for us? Simple. We spoke to dozens of women across the country. Hundreds, actually. About their tastes. Their lifestyles. What was important to them. We discovered a crazy paradox. Despite their love for jewellery – and how important jewellery is for their personal style and individuality – most women were forced to keep their jewellery in their lockers. Where it was safe, but unwearable on an everyday basis. They were forced to choose between expensive jewellery for special occasions; and everyday jewellery that was of inferior quality and unable to project their personal style and values. And we started Diamond World to change this. Your Stores Gulshan Store 68/1 Gulshan Avenue,Dhaka-1212,Bangladesh Phone:8801613199318 Baily Road Store 1 Gold Place (2nd Floor),3,New Baily Road,Dhaka-1000,Bangladesh Phone:+8801614199322 Chattagram Store 1 Yunusco City Centre (5th Floor),CDA Avenue, GEC Circle,Chattagram-4000,Bangladesh Phone:+8801973199270 Mirpur Store Ejab Islam Tower, House-08, Block-A,Mirpur-11,Dhaka-1212,Bangladesh Phone:+8801613199320 Bashundhara City Store Block-A,Level-5,Bashundhara City,Dhaka-1215,Bangladesh Phone:+8801613199319 Uttara Store Noyab Mansion,Plot-22,Sector-11,Sonargaon Janapath Road,Dhaka-1230,Bangladesh Phone:+8801709638721 Dhanmondi Store Rangs Nasim Square,275/D,Dhanmondi-27,Dhaka-1209,Bangladesh Phone:+8801614199323 Bogura Store Amin Plaza,Romena Afaz Shorouk,Joleshoritola,Bogura-5800,Bangladesh Phone:+8801709638721 Mohammadpur Store Level-04,Shop-436,Tokyo Square Shopping Center,Japan Garden City,Tajmahal Road,Mohammadpur Dhaka-1207,Bangladesh Phone:+8801709638720 Khulna Store Shop-57-58,KDA Avenue,New Market,Khulna,Zip-9000,Bangladesh Phone:+8801709638722 Sylhet Store Wahid View,(1st Floor),East (Purbo),Zinda Bazar,Sylhet-3100,Bangladesh Phone:+8801709638724 Baitul Mukarram Store Shop-26,1st Floor,Baitul Mukarram,Dhaka-1000,Bangladesh Phone:+8801709638723 Baily Road Store 2 3,New Baily Road,Baily Star, Ground Floor,Dhaka-1000,Bangladesh Chattagram Store 2 KBH Plaza,01,Bayazid Bostami Road,Nasirabad,Chattagram-4000,Bangladesh Phone:+8801973199334 Narayanganj Store Hasanat Square,231/6,8,Rajuk Plot,Bangabandhu Rd,Chasharar Mor,Narayanganj-1400,Bangladesh Phone:+8801709638725 Mymensingh Store Arong Jwellers,55/15,Khaled mension,Ganginar Par,Mymensingh-2200,Bangladesh Phone:+8801712006567 Narshingdi Store Golap Chattar,Mollah Tower,1st Flr,Bajir more, Beneath Of Prime Bank,Narshingdi-1600,Bangladesh Phone:+8801790643434 Rajshahi Store Pill Khana Road,Natore Sadar,Rajshahi (Opposite side of police fari),Rajshahi-6400,Bangladesh Phone:+8801710946583, +8801711829168 Dhaka New Market Store Shop-16,17,New Market (Old Grameen Jewelers ),Dhaka-1205,Bangladesh

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