Diamond Life Insurance Company Limited

Diamond Life obtained permission from the Govt. of Bangladesh to transact all types of Life insurance policies in February, 2014 and started operation in June, 2014. An explanation is perhaps in order why there is yet another company when there are already so many (30+ odd Companies) operating in the economy. Although life insurance business is more than a century old in thecountry,it has hardly touched upon the lives of the general people of the country. In a word, life companies have been largely unable to tap the opportunities offered by a progressing economy like oursand does not compare well with the level of development achieved in other financial sectors of economy.As it terms out, Bangladesh may be regarded as almost a green field for life insurance business.Given proper planning and vigorous efforts, it is very much possible that the premium income of the industry largely reflecting its performance can be quadrupled from the present level( which is presently only 0.7% of national BDP) in a decade’s time. Thus, the case for a new life insurance company has been quite convincing. The sponsors of Diamond Life--highly successful and distinguished personalities as they are in their respective fields of trade and commerce--strongly believe that the new life company imbued with the ideals of rendering prompt and quality life insurance services at reasonable cost and directing all activities to this end is sure to stand out and shall be able to make a mark in a short period of time. Thus Diamond Life undertakes to hold the policyholders interest upper most of all considerations and has set before itself, among others, the following aims and objectives

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