Dhaka Bank Limited (CEPZ Off-Shore Banking Unit)

Off-shore Banking refers to international banking involving non-residents’ foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities. Off-shore Banking Units conduct their deposit taking and lending activities with foreign investors without conflict with the domestic fiscal and monetary set up and independent of the local commercial banking system. It may be further defined as the prioritized banking operation where there is no permission for resident Bangladeshi citizen and on contrary dealing with the non-residents 100% foreign owned & joint venture investment enterprise inside the export processing zones which does not fall under the set regulations of Bangladesh Bank and other regulators. It is completely a separate functions and distinct identity, where its customers can enjoy unique package of tax benefit and the operations which are free from local regulations to compete with domestic banks including local branches of foreign banks. Its operations is being treated as a country within a country, commissioned by a separate Banking License from Bangladesh bank, and free from minimum reserve requirement.

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