Designdhaka Clothing

DESIGNDHAKA®, a new fashion brand label in Bangladesh that run by a very few energetic and talented young fashion designers from home and abroad. DESIGNDHAKA® main aim is fusing western and eastern fashion. At the very beginning our target was to research the market first which was very successful. The secret to its success was service and honesty to its clients. People got to know about DESIGNDHAKA through world of mouth and it’s started to attract international clients as well as many well-known customers. PRODUCT: T-shirts,Tops,Shirts,Shorts,Trouser/Legging,Saree,Punjabi,Fotua/kurta,SalwarKameez,Fashion accessories,Jacket,Sweater,Footwear. Start Date Founded in May 2008 Mission:- "fusing western n eastern fashion" Products:- * T-shirt * Shirt * Trendy trouser(denim n others) * Saree * Punjabi * Fotua/kurta * Salwar Kameej * Ornaments * Show pieces * Sweater * Jacket/Coat * Footware Hotline-01198370061,01198385499

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