Design Matra

Design Matra established its place in the hi-tech marketing scene of Bangladesh in 2009, Dhaka. It started its journey with a sense of challenge to serve this nation as an independent Interactive Agency. The right and contemporary use of technology is the key to the progress of a nation. Keeping this in mind, Design Matra has designed its core focusing areas to serve you and your company with 360 degree approach. Our core concerning areas are- Digital Marketing, Event management & Expo, Media & Public Relation, Visual Design, Web Design & Development. All our services are provided to the highest professional standards. The uniqueness of The Design Matra lies in its non-partisan position, its strength is in taking position of neutrality in conflicts between right and wrong, ethics and evil. Our work is not just about ensuring interactive connectivity; it is about connecting business partners, employees, as well as the wider community. At The Design Matra we live by the saying “Trust could never buy, it has to earn”. We seek partnerships in area of our motto, so that we can amplify our work and make a difference here, in Bangladesh and also in International market.

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