Delta Infocom Limited

Delta Infocom Ltd’s IP Transit Service is providing high performance access to the global Internet via DIL IIG network. Global IP Transit Service provides non-overbooked internet access to domains throughout the world via highly redundant Internet backbone and our many peering partners. Our solutions provide ISPs, content providers, carries and other organizations with high speed, high-quality connection to the internet on a global basis through access to our entire BGP routing table. The service is delivered via our private, low latency and low packet loss fiber optical network, which provides connectivity key Internet hub across Asia Pacific, America and Europe. When you choose DIL IIG, you are guaranteed a reliable partner for whom quality always has the highest priority. We measure our service with official quality parameters such as availability, round trip delay and packet loss. We stand apart from our competitors in many areas, but key differentiators include: Our customer connections are dedicated and non-oversubscribed Our diversity from traditional carriers enables redundancy for customer data Our simple network structure allows for rapid provisioning Our ‘self-healing’ ring architecture design minimizes outages Delta is Smart Business Internet

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