Cycle Source BD

We are proud to announce that we are opening an online retail shop for bicycles. This is an online shop of Bicycle parts, accessories, tools and components. Here we have various products to sell and to deliver to your home as well. Here we have products of as cheap rate as possible but with better quality... We never compromise about the quality of the products here... 1. Cycle source BD is an online cycle parts and accessories shop. 2. We provide Home Delivery. 3. Our delivery charge is 30 tk only into the whole Dhaka city. (Not applicable for Uttara and Khilkhet) 4. We have no showroom but you can collect your preferable products yourself from two definite Locations. one is Mirpur Shewrapara (in fornt of anamika concord/swapno super shop). 2nd is Komolapur, (in front of Motijheel Model high school). 5. Friday is our Off-day. No product will be delivered on that day because of the BDC rides. 6. No home delivery after 10.00 pm. 7. Product will be delivered within 3 days. You will be notified, in case of any emergency. 8. In case of any problem of product like (size, defect), you have to notify us within 24 hours. 9. In both cases of Home delivery or self-collection of your product, you have to place an order into our page inbox. Ordering Process: Name: Address:(only applicable if you want Home delivery) Phone number: Product Name: to order: simply send us by message or commenting your Name: Address: (if home delivery required) Contact number: Product name: amount of product: We also promote cycling and we have a servicing shop in Mirpur area, where any kinds of cycles can be repaired. Bicycle parts and accessories Call For Order or Info 01683565096 01676508281 Bikash Number 01676508281

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