Country Boy (Wari Branch)

At the beginning the established of Country Boy widely introduce its fashion designs and loveliness accessories. These prime causes Country Boy clicked in the generals as well as fashionable customers. Country Boy Provide only men fashion product in Bangladesh. In the line on Bangladesh fashion design Country Boy wing reached over the mass peoples. The hard and hurry work attention of the design section and quality section spread out todays the Country Boy stands. With all this sounds announcing possible by the hard and hurry work and sincerity of Country Boy Management Team. With the motto of painting time Country Boy has introduced a new dimension of novelty in the trend of clothing. Country boy concept of fashion has evolved round the quest for and celebration of national heritage Going beyond the typical point of commerce and being urged by the values of our heritage and a clear sense of commitment Country Boy arranges special programmes to observe festivals of Bangladesh. Ahead of all such occasions our customers now wait with keen interest to see our response to every socio-religious festivals. At the centre of our concept of fashion is the spirit of variety and variation in our application of colours. The same quality control has been essentially reflected in most of our products. Through the simultaneous motivation of our handloom and clothing industry it introducing ever new products Country Boy has come to be esteemed as one of the leading fashion entrepreneurs of the country.

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