
Comtrade is country’s one of the best leading technology sales, marketing and Logistics Company. As a vital link in the technology value chain, We creates sales and profitability opportunities for vendors and resellers through unique marketing programs, outsourced logistics services, technical support, financial services and product aggregation and distribution. Including so many corporate buyers around the country from the inception of our company. True and prompt support, smooth service, both online and offline customer care management system makes possible to reach at that stage. As a total IT solution provider we believe that only selling the product is not the ultimate, we rather try to be keen to serve the best solution, whether customers can express their needs or not to us. Since its beginnings in 1999, Identifying markets and technologies that shape the IT industry, Today. We remain at the forefront of the global technology marketplace, bringing the latest products and services to market and finding new ways to bring value to our customers. The company offers a broad array of solutions and services to its customers.

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