Combat Gym

Since the opening of this gym in 2001, our goal is to show people the ways of better lifestyle through various types of fitness programs and self defense programs. The fitness programs ranges from body building, sports specific training, weight loss training, and flexibility trainings and defense programs are Krav Maga and Taekwondo. The best part of this gym is the environment and ambient. Instructor, gym staffs and the members are very friendly and helpful. Cleanliness and hygiene is another factor we give high priority. Belonging and ownership grows towards this gym once a person becomes a member of this gym. - Certified Personal Trainer (Thailand) - Certified Civilian Tactical Krav Maga Instructor (Australia) - Certified Law – Enforcement Tactical Krav Maga Instructor (Australia) - Certified Muay Thai Instructor (Thailand) - Black Belt in Taekwondo WTF (South Korea) - Certified Yoga Instructor (India)

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