China Kitchen

China Kitchen (Thai and Chinese Restaurant) is one of the well-known restaurant which is located Elephant Road, Dhaka. We are specialized in healthy Thai and Chinese food items. We maintain the highest quality of of management till to serve you. Our dishes are standard and delightful. China Kitchen offers attractive arrangement for Birthday, Wedding and other Social Parties. Minimum number of guest for Bengali Party is 100. 1. We arrange Wedding Party, Bridegroom Ceremony Birthday Party and Office Conference etc. with a number of sits of 200 persons at a time in a big hall room. Besides this there is an exclusive VIP room for 80 persons. 2. We do not charge for hall-room in a party. 3. We provide Lunch and Dinner box in different occasions. 4. We arrange Chinese dishes as well as Bengali food items. 5. We ensure you a good environment with different types of healthy dishes that are cooked by our food specialist. 6. You can also get the facility of stand by generator and car parking.

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