Charcoal Steak House

CONSTANTLY EVOLVING. For a quick and satisfying lunch, casual dinner meeting, date night or a gathering of friends and family…the Charcoal Boutique Restaurant is a perfect choice. Through constant evolution the THE CHARCOAL Boutique Restaurant has stayed current to meet the contemporary demands of today’s discriminating diner. Relax and enjoy detailed service in one of our 5 distinct comfortable dining rooms and lounge. Our kitchen team is pleased to present house specialties such as fillet Mignon, T-BONE Steaks, fresh seafood, mouth-watering appetizers and much more. We will go the extra mile to ensure your experience is memorable for all the right reasons. We look forward to serving you and becoming your local dining choice.Founded in January 2013 Charcoal Boutique Restaurant is a concern of Ittefaq holdings ltd, which also owns and operates Steak House restaurant. Cuisine:- American (New), Buffets, Seafood and Steakhouses Specialities:- Lunch, Dinner, Coffee and Drinks Payment Methods:- Visa, American Express and Mastercard

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