
It is a book business enterprise having office and stock at Mohammadpur and a sale-center at Concord Emporium, Katabon, in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It starts operation in mid-2010. It continually follows great new arrivals around the World. At Charcha you may discover an eclectic range of books. We sell books in English from the UK, India, the USA, Singapore, Australia, Canada and other countries. It has a nice range of Bengali book collections too. We publish books also on mysticism and culture. Charcha starts publishing translated books for young and adolescents. Charcha within a short span of time earns reputation among wide range of readers and book-lovers in Dhaka. We also have an outlet based on the modalities of 'consignment sale' at The Platters (restaurant at Banani). Charcha is also in the process of launching as an online platform.

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