Cardiac Ambulance Service

Heart attack is an unfortunate happen. We cannot say when, where or how it may happen. Heart attack or heart failure or cardiac arrest may occur in any place like home, office, meeting or even on road. The first hour after cardiac arrest or heart attack is called 'Golden Hour'. During this period if the Patient gets proper treatment, the possibility to cure is higher. Aim of our Cardiac Ambulance service is to utilize this golden hour. Ibrahim Cardiac is first to inaugurate such service in Bangladesh. Our Cardiac Ambulances are fully equipped to provide advance cardiac treatment for the patients like CCU in hospital. That is why our cardiac ambulances are called CCU on wheel. We have dedicated team for Cardiac Ambulance including Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics, Driver and Cardiac Ambulance Coordinator. All the members of the team are trained in primary treatment and Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). Service Area Whole Country Membership Membership facility is available for Cardiac Ambulance. You can be a member for a year or life time. You have to fill up a membership form and pay necessary amount to become a member. Benefits for the members - Free Registration - Member will get priority for other hospital services - Medical records will be stored - Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation(CPR) and other necessary training to family members - Road map of Member's home, office and common places s/he travels will be recorded - Regular Diet Advice Strategic Plan Our plan is to put Cardiac Ambulances in different locations. Whenever a Patient calls for support, the Ambulance nearest to him/her will provide the service. We have selected following locations for first phase, ■ Motijheel ■ Dhanmondi ■ Sutrapur ■ Mohammadpur ■ Gulshan ■ Mirpur ■ Uttara All the Ambulances would have communication facilities with the Hospital so that senior doctors could advice if necessary. For ambulance service/inquiry please contact Phone: 9671141-43, 9671145-47 (Ext: 0, 206, 207) HOTLINE: 01713 003004

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