Cafe Soi3.

The natural and inviting venue, a structure made out of earth, bamboo & lots of greenery has been inspired from the bygone era. The outdoor dining area gives one a feel of nature. Our dining room provides an intimate, yet casual, dining experience, specializing in Indian & Continental Cuisine. Café Soi 3 is a boutique food joint & juice bar, located at the heart of the Dhaka city, Dhanmondi, Road #3. Our kitchen team, have a great mix of youth with local and international experience. We are always looking for the latest food trends to incorporate with our own traditional and modern cuisine values. We specialize in Indian & Continental cuisine and make it our goal to create great comfort food with a little twist. While working with traditionally good combinations of flavors, we try to push the boundaries to come up with something special that will hopefully serve as a memorable dining experience. * Takes Reservations, Walk-Ins Welcome, Good For Groups, Good For Kids, Take Out, Waiter Service and Outdoor Seating * Launched on September 27, 2012 * Diners, Indian/Pakistani, Italian, Sandwiches and Seafood * Lunch, Dinner, Coffee and Drinks * Cash Only

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