Building Technology & Ideas Ltd.

Established in 1984, building technology and ideas ltd. (bti) is a pioneer Real Estate Developer in Bangladesh. Almost three decades have passed since our humble beginnings. All these years have been used wisely to ensure that bti grows into a leading name in this sector. building technology and ideas ltd. is one of the founder member of REHAB- Real Estate Housing Association of Bangladesh and the first real estate company in Bangladesh to be awarded with the internationally recognized ISO 9001-2008 certification for quality in ‘Design and Construction of Buildings’. We have expanded our operation from Dhaka to Chittagong and plan to rapidly spread to the other major cities of Bangladesh. To achieve professionalism in our trade that is beyond comparison; to ensure that we remain the best in our industry; to raise the importance of customer care to a level that stays unparalleled in our sector, we have worked very hard over the last three decades. That is how we do business – by working on our strengths and overcoming our weaknesses. To achieve all of the above, we have on board a team of dedicated and highly skilled designers, architects, engineers, planners, creative minds – all working singularly towards the same goal of creating a home where you will be happy! Let us bring our passion for superior design, lasting value and a great building experience into your lives- because that is what we do best!

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