Bridal Moment

“BRIDAL MOMENT LIMITED”, a company incorporated under the Companies Act 1994 and carrying on business as reputed in Bangladesh . Bridal Moment has been a trusted name in wedding photography and cinematography for almost a decade. With our team of highly experienced enthusiastic professionals we are very versatile and are capable of catering to a variety of wedding style. No matter what the culture, no matter what the theme, we have it all covered. Our photographers live in the moment of an event to capture all the precious little moments filled with joys, laughter and splendor that will forever be cherished in the hearts of our clients. Our cinematographers too thrive in the now, capturing all the details of the life of the party – the bride and the groom, the dancing, singing, and all the happiness. Bridal Moment’s believes in growth through success. And success comes through good work. As such, we have always give it our very best to serve each and every one of our customers. Our clear communications and amicable behavior creates a wonderful understanding and mutual respect with out customers which puts their minds at ease. **AWARD** Awarded Mirror Business award "Best Wedding Photographer-2012-13"

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